Since Food, is recognized to be the ultimate source of all Energy, the Upanishad exhorts us to take great care in conserving and using it wisely. There are 3 great commandments that have been issued in this regard:
(1) “annam na nindhyAth!”
(2) “annam na pari-chaksheeta!”
(3) “annam bahu kurveeta!”(Source: Taittiriya Upanishad – brghuvalli)
“Do not abuse Food!”
“Do not discard Food!”
“Grow Food in abundance!”
Food is what drives existence, and restores energy. Don’t ever abuse food. Its proved by research that Food prepared and consumed with contentment keeps you more healthy, and brings good thoughts.Food being the most important element for survival, its our dharma (duty) to make sure everyone gets enough of it. Serving food (anna-dhaana) to fight starvation is supposedly the greatest form of charity.